The week of 7/29 we are offering two classes for adults and/or teens!
PM1 Foil Fencing – Week 4: 1-3:00pm; Ages: Grade 7 to Adult
We will be exploring the exciting world of European foil fencing. It is a sport which will sharpen your senses, improve your coordination and empower you while you learn the basics and have fun doing it. A seasoned professional (who fenced for the USA in the Junior Olympics) will guide you. Instructor: Hope Konecny
PM2 Clay Creations – Week 4: 1-3:30pm; Ages: Grades 5 to Adult
Get your hands dirty with a natural material that is fun to explore and easy to create with. We’ll explore clay hand building and learn to use the potter’s wheel to create bowls and so much more! Sgraffito and carving will also be introduced, as well as marbling with 2 or more colors of clay. We’ll handpaint, use underglazes and clear glaze to finish your projects. This is your time to find your voice in clay and create the projects you’ve always wanted to. Projects will be bisque fired and food safe glazed. Instructor: Colleen Skiff